Other Equipment

All equipment is fully customizable, contact us for more info!

Block Cutter M.254

Robot for Pressed Block Loader M.273

Auto Loader for Pressed Blocks M.373

Block Feeder M.314

Other Equipment

All equipment is fully customizable, contact us for more info!

Block Cutter M.254

Robot for Pressed Block Loader M.273

Auto Loader for Pressed Blocks M.373

Block Feeder M.314

Chamfering M.356S

Corner Cutter M.357

Brander M.358

Chamfering M.356S

Corner Cutter M.357

Brander M.358

Rotating Platform M.359

Rotating Platform M.359

Rotating Platform M.359S

Rotating Platform M.359S

90° Pallet Corner M.280

90° Pallet Corner M.280

Stacker M.261

Nail Up Presser M.299

Pallet Turn Over M.360

Pallet Turn Over M.360

Robot Stacker M.278

Robot Stacker M.278

Labelling Machine M.370

Labelling Machine M.370

Block Leg Feeder M.286

Trimming Machine M.298

Unstacker – Feeder M.347

Trimming Machine M.253

Saw for CP8 Pallet Types

Special Corner Cutter Machine for Pallet Tanks

Cutting Machine for Pallet Tanks

Drilling Machine for Pallet Tanks

Spray ‐ Painting Unit M.283

Drying Unit M.283

Drying Unit M.283

Tampography M.283

Unstacker M.277

Unstacker M.277

Plastic Foiling Machine M.300

M377 Automatic Board Feeder for Perimeter Pallet Bases

Vacuum unstacking of stringers for blockcutters.

Unstacking by vacuum or grip to singularize and fed boards into the M242 vr.7-8

Unstacking by vacuum or grip to singularize and fed boards into the M342 vr.13

Automatic system for fed longitudinal boards into the M342 vr.13